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    Students Explore Careers in Healthcare During Summer Holidays

    School News

    21 Sep, 2020

    10 : 00

    • YCIS Shanghai is committed to helping students explore options for their future studies, careers, and development, preparing them for their journey beyond life at the school. Our University Guidance Office (UGO) provides support for students and their families, as well as internship placements. In Year 11, as part of a University Guidance class, students investigate careers, prepare their resumes, and strengthen their interview skills. They then have the opportunity to apply for the YCIS Internship Programme. Students also have the chance to attend external programmes offered in various industries.

      This summer, three YCIS Shanghai students participated in one such initiative: the Jiahui Health Scholar Program. YCIS Puxi Class of 2020 graduate students, Elgin and Seonaid, and current YCIS Pudong Year 12 student Samuel, all took part.

      “The Jiahui Health Scholar Program has been a great opportunity for our students,” said Ms Sonja Phongsavanh, Head of University and Career Guidance at YCIS Shanghai, Puxi. “Having these opportunities available for our students helps them better understand the world of work and careers. It also helps them to examine their career interests practically with real-world experiences,” Ms Phongsavanh added.

      Jiahui Health launched the inaugural session of its Health Scholar Program this summer. The programme gives high school students with a passion for medicine the rare opportunity to explore their interest within a real hospital setting. “By enabling students to shadow medical professionals across different departments and interact with leading physicians, we aim to give them a better understanding of the diverse range of careers in the medical field and inspire them in their decision making,” commented Mr Alexander Larcher, Business Development Manager and Community Outreach at Jiahui Health.

      “All of us at Jiahui were truly impressed by the enthusiasm, commitment, and initiative of every single participant this summer. We very much look forward to meeting all the young healthcare enthusiasts joining this programme in the future,” added Mr Larcher.

      To read the full story covered in That’s Shanghai magazine, please click here.

      These programmes are a fantastic addition to our long-established YCIS Internship Programme and allow our students to gain first-hand experience in their fields of interest. Students can explore different work environments to prepare for the future of work, as can be seen in their study choices. Elgin is planning to study Life Sciences at the University of Toronto in Canada, and Seonaid will pursue a medical degree in Melbourne, Australia. Samuel has just begun the first year of the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and still has some time to finalise his university study plans.

      To hear more from our Class of 2020 students, watch the video below where Elgin talks about his experience at YCIS Shanghai and click here to watch Seonaid discuss her time at the school.

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