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    Thank You, Our Wonderful Teachers!

    School News

    11 Sep, 2020

    10 : 00

    • On September 10, 2020, the YCIS Shanghai community celebrated China's 36th annual 'Teachers' Day'. China has a long tradition of honouring teachers and, in 1985, the Chinese government established Teachers’ Day as an official holiday to recognise the invaluable work of educators.

      On this day, YCIS Shanghai students, parents, and other members of our community expressed their appreciation to around 500 international and Chinese teachers and support staff at the school. There was a joyful atmosphere as students entered the school campuses on Thursday, cheerfully greeting their teachers, thanking them for their work, and donating gifts and flowers!

      Our highly trained teachers constitute the backbone of the academic strength that drives our success. They come from more than 15 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, India, and Portugal, among others. With an average of 5–7 years at the school, our teachers are passionate about their profession, dedicated to the goals of Yew Chung, and committed to preparing students for multicultural 21st-century societies beyond the school. 

      Ms Mary Yu, Chinese Co-Principal at YCIS Shanghai, Pudong, described the benefits of the bonds between students and teachers. “One of the areas of focus in our new Mission is the relationships between students and teachers. We cannot emphasise enough how important this is in a student's success," said Ms Yu.

      "The research into this area clearly shows that nothing — not school leadership, facilities, school policies, textbooks, or programmes — will have a greater impact on your child’s success at school, than the quality of teaching and the relationships those teachers have with your children,” said Ms Yu.

      As a testament to our commitment to having the most qualified teachers, recently, Ms Claire Peet was appointed Academic Professional Development and Quality Assurance Manager for YCIS Shanghai. In this specialist role, Ms Peet will work with all of our teachers to support them in their professional development, growth, and appraisal.

      "The ability to inspire, challenge, develop students, and meet their social and emotional needs is highly valued at YCIS Shanghai. As leaders, we spend a significant amount of our time on teacher recruitment, induction and mentoring, and professional development. As well as creating an environment where our teachers feel supported, challenged, and can have a positive impact on the success of their students," added Ms Yu.

      On behalf of the YCIS Shanghai community, we wish our teachers a happy Teachers' Day! We thank them for their exemplary work with students, parents, and colleagues, helping to make YCIS Shanghai the great school that it is today.

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