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    Tuition & Fees

    2025/2026 School Year Fees
    Kindergarten 2 to Year 13

    To download our School Fees and Policies document for the 2025-2026 School Year, please click here.


    (All fees quoted below are in RMB currency)


    Application Fee

    Application Fee
    For new students; non-refundable



    Deposit Amount
    K2 to Year 13 25,000


    The Deposit is a one-time, refundable, non-interest bearing security deposit required to be paid to the School, and shall be held by the School for the duration of the student's enrolment. The School has the right to settle any outstanding fees or amounts owed to the School, either during the student's attendance at the School, or after the student's departure, using the Deposit.



    The Deposit, after deductions for any amounts owed to the School and in accordance with the School's departure and refund policies, will be returned within 45 days after all departure procedures have been completed.



    Payment of the Deposit will not, in and of itself, guarantee a School placement; all other admission and School requirements must be met.


    Tuition Fees

    Year Level

    Semester 1 (August 2025 - December 2025

    Semester 2 (January 2026 - June 2026)


    Kindergarten - K2 (5 half days) ¥66,080 ¥99,120 ¥165,200
    Kindergarten - K2 (5 full days) ¥97,560 ¥146,340 ¥243,900
    Kindergarten - K3 to K4 ¥105,920 ¥158,880 ¥264,800
    Primary - Year 1 to Year 4 ¥125,560 ¥188,340 ¥313,900
    Primary - Year 5 to Year 6 ¥128,080 ¥192,120 ¥320,200
    Secondary - Year 7 to Year 9 ¥140,080 ¥210,120 ¥350,200
    Secondary - Year 10 to Year 11 ¥142,560 ¥213,840 ¥356,400
    Secondary - Year 12 to Year 13 ¥145,080 ¥217,620 ¥362,700

    Semester 1 Tuition Fees must be paid no later than May 31, 2025.

    Semester 2 Tuition Fees must be paid no later than October 31, 2025.


    For mid-year enrolment, the tuition fees will be calculated on a monthly pro-rata basis, based on a 10-month period and inclusive of the month in which the student plans to start attending school. The deadline for new students' tuition payment is subject to the actual invoice.


    Early Payment Incentives

    Parents/guardians may enjoy a five percent (5%) discount on annual Tuition Fees only (excluding other School fees), if the full annual 2024-2025 School Year Tuition Fee payment is received by our bank no later than April 30, 2025 (the date of receipt is determined by our bank acknowledgement).

    Sibling Discount

    Parents/guardians who have three or more children enrolled at YCIS Shanghai are able to enjoy a five percent (5%) discount on Tuition Fees only (excluding other School fees) for each of their children enrolled at YCIS Shanghai.

    English as an Additional Language (EAL) Fee (Applies to new students only)

    After assessment, for children who require EAL support, a one-time, non-refundable fee will be charged.

    Primary and Secondary new students 20,000

    School Bus Fees

    (Please note that using the School Bus service is optional. The detailed list of routes is available upon request).

    Semester 1

    Semester 2


    K3 (or age 3) to Year 13 8,000 12,000 20,000

    School Lunch Fees

    The School co-ordinates with an outside catering service company to provide lunch for students who do not wish to bring a packed lunch to School. Charges must be processed under a separate payment method between parent/guardian and the catering company.

    School Uniform

    School uniform can be ordered from an outside uniform provider directly.

    Methods of Payment

    1. Online Payment Gateway

    YCIS Shanghai now has an Online Payment Gateway. The link for the Gateway as well as the instructions for online payment will be sent to parents by email along with the School Fee invoice.

    2. Bank remittance

    Payment can be made by bank transfer payable to the School's USD or RMB bank account. For easy identification, please forward a copy of your bank remittance advice with your child's passport name to our Accounts Division Office (see below)


      RMB Account Information
    Account Name 上海耀中外籍人员子女学校
    Account Number 117001039970400
    Bank and Branch 东亚银行(中国)有限公司上海分行
    Address 上海市浦东新区花园石桥路66号东亚银行金融大厦27楼



      USD Account Information
    Account Name Yew Chung International School of Shanghai
    Account Number 117001511920400
    Bank and Branch The Bank of East Asia(China)Limited, Shanghai Branch
    Address 27/F,BEA Finance Tower, 66 Hua Yuan Shi Qiao Road,Pudong New Area, Shanghai, P.R.C 200120


    (Conversion from USD and other currencies to RMB is based on the market exchange rate at the time of actual payment)

    3. Pay in person

    Credit/bank card payments are accepted. Additional bank service charges will be added onto payments made by credit/bank cards. Any payment over RMB 5,000 cannot be paid in cash. Should you require further assistance, please contact the YCIS Shanghai Accounts Office at the following address:


    Gubei Campus: 18 West Ronghua Avenue, Shanghai 201103, PRC


    Office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm

    Phone Number: +86 21 2226 7666 EXT.1888

    Email address:

    Settlement of Payments

    Any payments received by the School will be applied first toward the Deposit, if not yet settled. Any outstanding payments must be settled according to the School Fees and deadlines above.

    Late Payment Charge

    A late payment charge of two percent (2%) per month, compounded monthly, will be applied to all School Fees that are overdue. The School also reserves the right to offer the place of a student with overdue payment to new waiting applicants, meaning that late payment may put a child's seat at risk.


    Departure of a student from Yew Chung International School of Shanghai is only confirmed upon the receipt of a completed, signed Departure Notice Form or a signed and dated letter, in advance of the desired departure date. Departure Notice Form is available at the School Office. If a written notice of departure is submitted to the School during a public holiday, it will be deemed received by the School on the first day following the public holiday. Any refund of School fees will only be considered after the receipt of such notice of departure.


    For current students, a Late Departure Notice Surcharge in the amount of the original Deposite paid will be applied if a departure notice is received by the School after the specified dates( Please refer to Tuition Fees Refund and Late Departure Notice Surcharge Information Chart for details). For new students, a Cancellation Surcharge of RMB 25,000 will be applied if the student subsequently decides not to attend the School as scheduled.


    1) Application Fees:
    Application Fee is an administrative fee that must be paid to initiate the application review and admission process. The Application Fee is non-refundable.


    2) Deposit:
    While the School reserves the right to deduct any amounts that are owed by the student or the parent/guardian to the School from the Deposit, this right does not diminish in any way the School’s absolute right to otherwise require payment and collection of such amounts through other means when such amounts are outstanding.

    In order to ensure that the Deposit is returned to the proper party, the official paper receipt issued by the School when the Deposit was first paid must be returned to the School before the Deposit can be refunded.


    3) Tuition Fees:

    The School makes advance commitments related to staffing and school resources based on confirmed enrolment, all of which have financial implications.

    Accordingly, should a parent/guardian decide to terminate a student's enrolment at the School, it is necessary for the School to be compensated for the early termination of the education services contract between the School and the parent, as commitments would have already been made by the School and there would be an indirect financial impact of implementing changes in scheduling and other arrangements. Depending on the time of the year when the student departs, as well as when the written notice of departure is submitted to the School, the amount of compensation for early termination required by the School may vary.

    Tuition Fees Refund and Late Departure Notice Surcharge Information Chart summarizes how much of the Tuition Fees and/or School Bus Fees already paid will be refunded, and in which circumstances the Late Departure Notice Surcharge will be levied.

    The School will issue official tax receipts (fapiao) for all School Fee payments except for the Deposit. If you do not receive the fapiao within 30 days of payment, please contact the Accounts Office immediately. Refund on School Fees will be made to the original payer.


    4) School Bus Fees:

    For departing students, please refer to Tuition Fees Refund and Late Departure Notice Surcharge Information Chart for School Bus Fee refund information. Current students who no longer require School Bus services must submit written notification to the School Office. The School Bus Fee for the month in which the written notification is received, as well as the fee for the following full calendar month, will not be refunded.


    5) School Lunch Fees:

    Any request for refunds with respect to School Lunch Fees should be made directly to the food service provider responsible for operating the School's cafeteria.

    Temporary Leave

    For temporary leave, the parent/guardian must notify the School in writing, stating the reason(s) for the leave and a scheduled date of return to resume enrollment. There will not be any refund of the Deposit or Tuition Fees for a student on leave. In the event that a student does not resume enrollment on the scheduled date, or if they fail to notify the School to extend the duration of leave and continue to pay the required tuition and other fees, such a student will be considered departed.

    If he/she returns at a later date, a re-application process needs to be initiated.


    Any refund or release of school records is dependent upon the satisfactory completion of departure procedures, the return of all school properties, and the payment of all outstanding fees with the Accounts Division.

    Tuition Fees Refund and Late Departure Notice Surcharge Information Chart

    Force Majeure Clause

    The parent/guardian understands and agrees that, if an event of force majeure (as defined below) occurs and as a result the School is prevented from performing any of its obligations towards the parent/guardian and/or students, including but not limited to school closure and reduction of student in-school learning hours, the school may implement any of the following alternative measures or any combination thereof to minimize interruptions of the students continued studying activities:

    1. While the force majeure event is ongoing, resort to online/virtual classes, homework assignments, and teacher-student/teacherparent communications;
    2. After the school is re-open for classes upon cessation of the force majeure event, extend the school hours on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, to make up the lost class hours; and
    3. When the school is able and permitted to resume normal business activities, hold extra classes or conduct special learning sessions/semester to make up the lost class hours.

    For purposes of the foregoing provisions, an "event of force majeure" means an event beyond the control of the school, including but is not limited to, prohibition or acts by government or public agency, riot, war, hostility, terrorist attacks, public disturbance, strikes, other labor disputes and work stoppages, failure or interruption of transportation or other utilities, epidemic, fire, flood, earthquake, storm, tidal wave, or other acts of nature.

    Updated March, 2025


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