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    Celebrating 88 Years of Pioneering Education and Community Building

    School News

    09 Oct, 2020

    10 : 00

    • In 1932, Madam Tsang Chor-hang founded Yew Chung International School (YCIS) in Hong Kong. During the 80th anniversary of YCIS, eight years ago, the concept of Founder’s Day was born. Now, on the first Friday after the October holiday each year, the schools across the entire YCIS and Yew Wah International Education Schools (YWIES) global network join together for Founder's Day to commemorate and honour Madam Tsang. 

      This year's celebrations on October 9 highlighted YCIS Shanghai's 27th anniversary. Students, teachers, and staff enjoyed marking the occasion together, celebrating the 88 years of progressive and international education that the organisation has provided. YCIS Shanghai students, teachers, and staff were connected digitally to their peers in each of the Yew Chung-Yew Wah network schools across China and the world via a live stream ceremony and video messages.

      It was a day full of wonderful community-building activities, with students and staff demonstrating their commitment to our school’s spirit. From ECE to Year 13, all students on YCIS Shanghai's five campuses in Pudong and Puxi took part. With activities including sports such as football, vortex, archery, cricket, golf, and ultimate frisbee, as well as dance-a-thons, tugs-of-war, sports quizzes, and art activities, there was plenty to keep students active and motivated throughout the day. Students donned their house colours and competed to earn house points. During the breaks, there was food and refreshments, including outdoor picnics and special cupcakes. 

      Celebrations like Founder's Day at YCIS Pudong and YCIS Puxi bring the entire YCIS Shanghai family together, and the digital links to our YCIS and YWIES schools in China and beyond enable this connection to extend to across our whole global network. We are proud of our school and all that we have achieved together as a community.  On Founder’s Day we truly are YCIS Connected.  Happy Founder's Day 2020, everyone!

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