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    International Dress Day

    School News

    03 Feb, 2013

    10 : 00

    • A girl wrapped in green fabric, proudly wearing a crown and holding a torch; a young boy who has boldly donned a green, yellow, and blue flag as his cape, a group of boys crouching excitedly under a dragon outfit—no, this isn’t a congregation of super heroes, this is the annual International Dress Day at Hongqiao and Gubei Campuses!

      On this special day, children come to school wearing clothing representative of their home countries and cultures. The event has three main purposes: to encourage students to share in a cultural exchange with their classmates, to help develop a love of their own country along with appreciation for other countries, and to teach students that fun activities can also be meaningful ways to support charities.

      Money raised from student donations during International Dress Day was contributed to Roots & Shoots, a charity that YCIS Shanghai regularly supports. The very diverse, international body of students at YCIS was able to come together and raise over RMB 40,000 yuan as a result of this very fun day!