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    Field Trip to the Power Station of Art Gallery

    School News

    01 Feb, 2013

    10 : 00

    • On January 31, the Year 7 students, along with art teachers Ms Vicars, Ms Shi, Mr Mclean, Ms Paul, and Ms Ianovskaia, took a trip to the Power Station of Art Gallery in Puxi. This was a very exciting trip, and students had the opportunity to see stunning sculptures, amazing installations, and beautiful paintings. During their time at the Gallery, students were given a worksheet where they had to identify and draw the art based on line, texture, shape, and color.

      The teachers gave out merits for excellent drawings, of which there were many. The students needed to pick a favorite piece of work, which was very hard to do because all the pieces of artwork were exceptional. In the end, students came up with ideas on how to display art back on campus. It was a very inspirational and enjoyable trip!

      Submitted by Year 7 Students Daisy, Sophia, and Anton