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    Doors Opening for Class of 2021 Students at Top Universities

    School News

    21 Dec, 2020

    10 : 00

    • Exciting news arrived for our Year 13 students just before the first semester of the 2020–21 academic year draws to a close! Our Class of 2021 students has received multiple early acceptance offers from several top UK, US, and Canadian universities. Additionally, six of our students received invitations to interview at other UK universities, which included one each at the University of Edinburgh and the Royal Veterinary College, as well as four at the world-famous University of Cambridge!

      The list of acceptances, so far, is as follows:

      Our latest Year 13 cohort will eagerly await more great news about early acceptances from leading universities around the globe when they return for the new semester in January and beyond. 

      Meanwhile, one of YCIS Shanghai’s Class of 2021 students has just received some fantastic news on her academic work. We are incredibly proud to announce that Year 13 student Hayley is now a published young scientist, after co-authoring a paper with her Science teacher, Mr Ralph Fieller. The paper, ‘The Impact of Effective Density and Compressive Strength on the Structure of Crumpled Paper Balls,’ has been published in The Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI). JEI is a scientific magazine that publishes original research in the biological and physical sciences. JEI provides students, under the guidance of a teacher or advisor, the opportunity to submit and gain feedback on original research and to publish their findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. 

      “To have a piece of scientific research published is the ultimate stamp of quality in the scientific community. The editors were impressed that Hayley was able to convey very complex concepts in a clear and concise manner,” said Mr Ralph Fieller, Science Teacher at YCIS Pudong Secondary. 

      Congratulations to all students on their early acceptances, and Hayley for her publication news!

      To learn more about the many ways in which our University Guidance Office (UGO) team supports our students, please click here.

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