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    YCIS Puxi Year 12 Students Prep for the IB on Sun Island Retreat

    School News

    13 Sep, 2018

    10 : 00

    • For students at YCIS Shanghai, Year 12 is the beginning of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), a rigorous two-year course of study that provides our students access to the world’s leading universities and the skills required for future success. 

      To introduce the students to the benefits, experiences, and new challenges they will have in the programme, YCIS organises an annual ‘Year 12 Retreat’ at the start of the school year. From August 29-31, all Year 12 students from YCIS Puxi, accompanied by their homeroom teachers and our IBDP Coordinator, Ms Maria Sieve, went to Sun Island, just outside of Shanghai. 

      Students spent three days participating in team-building activities and getting in the mindset to be successful in the IBDP. They did a book study on Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset. They also learned about goal setting and working in groups, and they participated in a cultural simulation activity which gave them a chance to experience different cultures. The students also had some time to enjoy the facilities at Sun Island, including the wave pool, the go-karting track, the golf driving range, and KTV. They completed skits based on the IB Learner Profile and finished the retreat by interviewing graduates about their IB experiences.

      One Year 12 student, Lauren, reflected on this year’s trip, noting that planning carefully and being organised, using past papers as study aids, and managing time and balancing her academics with her social life were three things she learned about being successful in the IB. Lauren added “A highlight was the KTV/disco night on the second day. I was able to interact with students that I didn’t know so well, and we let go of any stress by singing.”

      We wish the Year 12’s the very best of luck as they embark on their IB studies this year! To learn more about the IB programme at YCIS Shanghai, please click here.

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