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    YCIS Hosts "University Fest" for Shanghai Community

    School News

    14 Mar, 2016

    10 : 00

    • This month, the University Guidance Office at YCIS Shanghai’s Gubei Campus held its first ever “University Fest” with great success. The widely attended event was open to all students and their families in the greater Shanghai community as a fun and informational day to learn more about university options and college life.

      In total, more than 600 people attended the collegiate festival featuring several key events and activities to help students learn more, and get excited about, their future after High School graduation. The large college fair featured representatives from over 70 notable universities from around the world, including University of Bath (UK), Boston University (US), City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), University of Sydney (Australia), Waseda University (Japan), and University of British Columbia (Canada). In addition, admissions officers from a number of universities held breakout sessions covering a wide-variety of topics, ranging from how to master university applications to specific programmes and majors. The event was also a perfect opportunity for students to network and have candid conversations with alumni from top universities, such as University of Cambridge (UK), Cornell University (US), University of Southern California (US), and many more.

      Beyond the University Fest, the University Guidance Officers at YCIS Shanghai host an abundance of college visits throughout the year to help students understand their options. Furthermore, the officers teach preparatory classes as part of the curriculum for students Years 10-13, and they also host several open-to-the-public career workshops for students throughout the school year.

      To learn about the University Guidance programme at YCIS, please click here.