School News
School News
12 Jan, 2015
10 : 00
Cleopatra, Benjamin Franklin, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, George Washington, Florence Nightingale and other “famous people” all recently graced Hongqiao Campus. These famous people were, in fact, cleverly costumed Year 5 students who participated in a fun theme day that incorporated history and culture lessons with character acting.
To prepare for Famous People Day, Year 5 students selected a famous person to represent from any point in history through present day. The students were then tasked to complete a significant research project on their famous person over the course of several weeks, in order to develop an understanding of their early life, personality and character, family life, and accomplishments, culminating in the creation of posters and timelines, and an interactive quiz about their character.
On the day of the event, students came dressed as their character, and role-played to represent the individual to visiting guests. The students presented their findings in an interview-style format with parents, peers, staff, and other campus guests, who were able to ask each person questions and take part in the interactive quiz each student had prepared. The presentations from the YCIS students amazed and delighted campus visitors, who left with new insight and a fresh perspective on many notable individuals throughout history.