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    New Art Room Invites Students' Creativity

    School News

    21 Aug, 2013

    10 : 00

    • There is an anonymous quote that says, “In order to lead a fascinating life – one brimming with art, music, and intrigue – you must surround yourself with precisely those things.” Primary students at YCIS Shanghai Hongqiao Campus are able to do just that, thanks to the addition of a new art room in the school’s recently completed C Building.

      “The new art room is designed exactly as an art room should be, and is stocked with every manner of resource materials,” explains Ms Ingrid de Waal, a Primary Art Teacher at YCIS. "The amount of light that spills into the room, a variety of murals and art-projects from last year, the typical smell of new paper and pencils ready to be used, and a brand new kiln to make pottery; all of these factors enable our teachers to deliver a challenging art programme, with the result of encouraging our students’ creativity.” No detail was spared when considering how best to foster creativity in the art room, right down to the actual work space: when students sit down to create their art, they will be sitting in chairs that were beautifully decorated by YCIS Secondary students in the school’s Gubei Campus art room.

      Equipped with such a wide variety of materials, and surrounded by art in the bright, brand new facility, YCIS Primary students have the ability to learn about, experience, and create art in a truly conducive environment, and the skills that the Primary students learn help them to develop an appreciation for art and creativity that has a lasting impact through their Secondary school art experience, and on into their future.