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    YCIS Students Demonstrate Consideration and Responsibility Through Ayi Appreciation Week

    School News

    25 Mar, 2013

    10 : 00

    • Students at YCIS Shanghai are accustomed to doing good deeds. Guided by the YCIS Character Education Programme, students are taught about fundamental values, helping them to become responsible, global citizens. Students are also provided with many outlets through which they are able to serve the community, by participating in charity activities and by earning Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) Hours, a component of the Secondary curriculum. And yet, amidst great fundraisers and labour-intensive projects, sometimes it is the simplest gesture of a kind “thanks” that can have a profound impact on another individual. This was demonstrated during the recent Century Park Campus Ayi Appreciation Week.

      Year 11 student Karyn, a Co-President on Student Council, spoke about the students’ efforts to thank these valued members of the YCIS community, “It was an eventful week with many activities. On the last day, the Student Council presented chocolates to the bus and cafeteria Ayis, and a cake to the cleaning Ayis. Even though Ayi Appreciation Week only lasted a short while, it is something that we will continue to remember for the rest of the school year. The Ayis do a lot for our school and it is our responsibility to ensure that they are respected and their jobs are made easier.”

      Throughout the week during Chinese class, students wrote “thank you” cards that were put on a bulletin board to be displayed for the Ayi staff, and a group of students worked to record short introduction videos about each Ayi so the student body could get to know more about them. The video activity also provided a nice opportunity for students to practise their Chinese listening skills, while getting to know more about the wonderful Ayi staff!

      Secondary Curriculum Co-ordinator Dusten Kent notes that “Students are taught all year round to value the support services and employees of the school, and this special week is a great way for students to demonstrate their consideration of others, a critical skill for their future.”

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