School News
School News
21 Mar, 2013
10 : 00
YCIS Shanghai Primary and Secondary Students put the YCIS motto of aligning with technology into practice during the school’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) Week. A multitude of technology-based activities were organised for students to participate in throughout the week, designed to teach students new technologies, and also for students to learn advanced uses for technologies with which they already had a level of proficiency.
Primary students learned new photo editing skills as a precursor to digital editing, with projects to create and modify mirror images of pictures. The students also gave movement instructions to a simple robot with wheels, learning how to instruct the robot to move about the classroom floor as a way of developing “pre-programming skills” at an early age. Ms Amita Patel, Primary ICT Teacher, explained to students that, “The computer is just a machine; the instructions given by people are what make the machine intelligent.” Students saw this demonstrated with short, daily inspiring technology videos and interactive video conferencing, and they were then able to put their computer skills into action with a digital poster design competition.
Secondary students demonstrated their mastery of advanced computer techniques throughout ICT week, which was based on the theme: “I have a dream!” Mr Christopher Westcott, Secondary ICT & Design Technology (DT) Department Head, observed that the week’s activities, full of learning and applying new technologies, “had a two-fold purpose: first, students were given the opportunity to demonstrate their current knowledge, creativity, and mastery of technology. Second, the week motivated students to learn technology tools they might not have used regularly in the past, again to create something original and expressive. It does not cease to amaze me what students are capable of doing with technology tools, just by giving them the chance to use them for a fun and creative purpose.” Students participated in various activities and competitions throughout the week, ranging from a house spirit video contest, to individual student contests in digital imagery, digital music composition, and an ICT inspiration contest, in which students were given free-reign to create their own message or idea, based on the theme of the week, to share with other students, with no limits as to what type of technology they used.
YCIS students use technology constantly in their daily work and homework, but this special ICT Week helps students understand how the technology they use every day can be utilised in new and creative ways. Teaching students how to apply new technologies to purposes that go beyond homework encourages them to think globally, which is a critical component of the YCIS philosophy. By helping students develop both this global mindset and these technology skills, students will be positioned to be competitive individuals in an increasingly globalised and technology-focused world.