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    Wired for Numbers

    School News

    15 Jun, 2011

    10 : 00

    • Pencils scratched furiously against paper as the seconds ticked away at the 2011 Mathematics Olympiad, hosted at YCIS Shanghai’s Century Park Campus.

      A total of 80 students from international schools across Shanghai and Suzhou competed in solving challenging maths problems. The competition lasted nearly three hours and was organised in two rounds, first to test students’ ability to solve maths problems as individuals then as a team representing their respective schools.

      The pinnacle of the event according to Year 9 student Claire was “the exciting tie‐breakers… required to determine winners for the individual events. Both speed and accuracy was needed for these ‘sudden‐death’ events.”

      YCIS Shanghai swept all first place standings for both Year 8 and Year 9 divisions. A second group of YCIS Shanghai Year 8 students also won the second place team event. On reflection, Claire thanks all teachers who helped put together the event, “We also greatly appreciate (their) coaching and teaching. Without (them), we would have never achieved such a sweeping victory at the Mathematics Olympiad!”

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