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    The 5 Best Things About My Teachers at YCIS Pudong

    Student Blog

    04 Mar, 2020

    10 : 00

    • 1. They know their stuff

      The first thing I’d like to mention is that my teachers are very knowledgeable about their subjects. They know what they need to know in order to teach the subject, but that’s not all. My teachers go above and beyond the syllabus — that’s just a testament to how much they know.

      2. They can teach

      While being knowledgeable about a subject is great, it’s a completely different thing to teach it. They say that, “the best way to know if you know something is to explain it to someone else” — which is clearly easier said than done, but somehow my teachers manage to do it. They are able to explain terms and concepts to me in a way that I understand it.

      3. They are very understanding

      This is where I think my teachers really are the best. Recently we’ve had to do a lot of e-Learning as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. It’s been kind of unusual for everyone, me included, and I have found it challenging to cope with all the assignments. Fortunately, my teachers have been extremely understanding and have given me a lot of encouragement.

      4. They are always there for me

      This goes hand-in-hand with my last point, but one of the main reasons I appreciate my teachers is that they are always there. When I need help with schoolwork, with homework, or even with things that don’t concern them directly, I know that I can go to any of my teachers and they’d listen to whatever I was having difficulty with. It really means a lot to me.

      5. They can have fun, too

      Last, but definitely not least, I get along well with my teachers because they are able to have fun with us, their students. Whether it’s making jokes in class, witty remarks in Teams, or while we video chat on Zoom, my teachers definitely have a good sense of humour. 

      I’m not sure how many of my teachers are going to read this, but I just want to take this chance to thank them all. I genuinely don’t know where I would be without them as my teachers.

      By Ruth, Year 13, YCIS Pudong Secondary

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