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    Charity Work Helped Me Pursue a College Major in Business

    Student Blog

    13 Jul, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Jenna Jung, Class of 2016, Gubei Campus

      My name is Jenna, I’m from South Korea, and I attended YCIS for four years. Over my years at the school I was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities.

      For sports, I participated in volleyball – both as a player and as a coach. I was also a peer tutor for my other classmates. However, I was most involved in a charity called the ‘International Women’s Academy (IWA)’, which helped me decide which major I will study in university. Participating in IWA provided me with opportunities to take charge of fundraising activities and to lead teams, all to benefit the students at a school for girls in Ghana. In doing this, I realised that I found managing, marketing, and promotional activities exciting, and I realised that I could do a good job in these areas in the future if I learned more by studying business as my major. In addition, I believe that internationalism is important in the global world of business. Learning how to adapt to different people and different cultures, like I have done in my experience at YCIS, will also help me in business in the future.

      I feel like I’ve grown as a person at YCIS. When I first came to the school, I was a bit shy. For instance, if someone were to speak French around me, it would be a little intimidating. However, as I grew closer to people from all over the world, I found myself wanting to integrate more, whether that’s learning a bit of German or French, or just exposing myself to different cultural backgrounds. 

      There’s a lot that I will miss from YCIS, but what I will miss most is the community. Especially the room for IB students. This may sound quite small, but I’ll miss the times that my classmates and I spent in the IB room during lunch, break times, and after school. We shared a lot there – including ideas, projects, conversations, and many laughs -- and these moments spent there are ones I will definitely miss.

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