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    An Inspiring Chinese Speech Competition

    Student Blog

    13 Apr, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Uharn, Year 10, Gubei Campus

      Over 30 students from Years 7-10 recently competed in this year’s “Chinese Speech Competition”. This year, there were a lot of amazing speech topics, ranging from Africa and piano to subjects that even covered the different choices we make in life. Though not all the speakers went home with a trophy or a prize, each one of them was able to gain the experience of talking and presenting their creative ideas onstage in Chinese.

      Competitions like these help us strengthen both our writing and speaking skills in the Chinese language and I believe it also helps to cultivate a good style of learning at YCIS. Being able to watch this competition has allowed me to reflect on my own life and to consider how some of these topics relate very closely to me. Each and every one of the speeches felt very well rehearsed and was presented extremely fluently, delivered with a lot of flair and charisma. I had a good laugh at the end of the event when my friends and I recalled some of the amazing and funny speeches that were presented. I was thrilled to see all the hard work and effort my classmates put into their speeches.

      I hope that all of the speakers were able to take away some new speaking skills from this competition that will directly benefit them in the future. I feel that this year’s event was a huge success, and I cannot wait for next year’s Chinese Speech Competition already.