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    YCIS Field Trips Are Fun and Informative

    Student Blog

    26 Mar, 2015

    10 : 00

    • Jared, Year 8, Gubei Campus

      Recently, all YCIS Shanghai Year 8 students took a trip to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, where we filled out a worksheet that was related to our Science class topics of Energy and Forces. Students selected a partner to go around the gigantic museum with, and there were also many large groups travelling around to work together.

      Some of the exhibits in the museum had not changed since my last visit, but there were also many new ones, which were extremely enjoyable. The exhibits cover all sorts of interesting and controversial topics in Science. After thoroughly looking through all of the exhibits in the museum, we completed our worksheets and were ready to submit them. The robot section was extremely intriguing and showed us a comparison of robots to humans while doing archery, and more about how robots functioned.

      Following our lunch break, we headed to the IMAX 3D Movie Hall. Inside we watched a 45-minute documentary on the matter in our world. The information in this documentary also expanded into the reaches of everything scientific. With the tour of the museum done, we headed back to school. With this interactive trip I definitely expanded my scientific knowledge, and it was fun too.