Student Blog
Student Blog
18 Mar, 2015
10 : 00
Heidi, Year 8, Gubei Campus
Last week at school we had my favourite community period of all time – we got to celebrate Pi Day. In fact, on 3-14-15 at 9:26:53 it was “the ultimate pi second” – this happens only every 100 years – so we will only see this once in our lifetime!
This fit with what we were studying in Maths class about pi. Based on our research, we found out that pi is a never-ending number with no reoccurring numbers or patterns, and I also found out that is a Greek letter. We were learning about ratio and proportion, so we had to edit recipes. We had to calculate how to make enough pie for our form class, the whole Year 8, and only for ourselves.
Then, we made actual pies to bring in and share during community period! My friend Kristy and I made a “S’more pie”; it has a graham cracker crust with chocolate filling and we topped it with toasted marshmallow. Everyone tried to make their pie look good. Other people made Oreo ice cream pie, apple pie, grasshopper pie, chocolate banana pie…and in total, there were over 30 pies! After the Pi eating, we played a couple of pie-themed games. A fun “pi” celebration for all!