Student Blog
Student Blog
30 Jan, 2015
10 : 00
Dylan, Year 12, Century Park Campus
Two of the most enjoyable clubs I have participated in over the last few years at YCIS are Model United Nations (MUN) and World Scholar’s Cup (WSC).
This year, I travelled to Hangzhou to participate in Westlake MUN, representing Thailand in the Environment Commission. During the event, I was able to fraternise with delegates from nearby schools while also debating critical contemporary and global issues. Issues that came up in my commission included development of domestic nuclear energy and reducing the impact of natural disasters. The participants are given a chance to comprehend how real UN conferences work, how resolutions are created and passed, and the intricacies of international relations. The students are exposed to a more formal, diplomatic environment – from the attire to the diction. We are required to conduct research before the conference as preparation and, optionally, to create a resolution. The emphasis is placed on creating the best possible resolutions, as there are no individual awards to be won.
Last June, YCIS took two teams of three students to Singapore to participate in the World Scholar’s Cup global round. It was a colossal event that included more than 2,400 scholars from over 40 countries. The organisation releases a syllabus incorporating numerous subjects, from arts to history, which students from all over the world assiduously follow. The rounds usually have four main events – Scholar’s Challenge (a multiple-choice test based on the syllabus), Scholar’s Bowl (a team event to answer multiple-choice questions usually in a theatre), Team Debate, and Collaborative Writing. The event is concluded with a grand awards ceremony where students are rewarded for their hard work and dedication. The Singapore round included a Scholar’s Ball that allowed all of the participants to socialise, as well as a fun scavenger hunt to explore the city.
MUN and WSC are both culturally and intellectually enriching opportunities, and every Secondary student should give them a try!