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    YCIS Connected: Strengthening Bonds through Community Events

    School News

    14 Dec, 2020

    10 : 00

    • Maintaining open communication and relationships with parents and supporting their involvement and interest in being part of the school community, is highly valued at our school. Each year, YCIS Shanghai follows a theme, and for 2020–21 it is ‘YCIS Connected’ which, among many other initiatives, includes a series of information sessions, workshops, and webinars for parents of ECE, Primary, and Secondary students alike.

      During the events so far, experts from YCIS Shanghai have included our Co-Principals, Vice Principals, University Guidance Counsellors, Curriculum Coordinators, Child Protection and Student Support staff, as well as external speakers.

      Due to ongoing restrictions accessing the school’s campuses, the YCIS Shanghai SLTs have arranged to make use of off-site venues such as the Pudong Kerry Hotel and the Gubei Civic Center, in order to connect with parents in person. Events included the Pathway to University evening, the Future of Education interactive workshop, the Parents and Alumni Christmas Dinner, and the many Parents' Coffee Mornings.

      Additionally, a series of online webinars for parents of ECE, Primary, and Secondary students, have been held on topics such as the pivotal role of data for educators, the importance of reading for ECE and Primary students, the school’s rigorous Mathematics programme, and the social and emotional support offered to students, among others. 

      And the fun continues! Parents will be able to participate in many more events this month. Such sessions are very well received by parents as they help to strengthen their relationship with the school and ensure they feel informed at all times about their children's education and future. We look forward to more such opportunities to connect this school year, so stay tuned for announcements of our upcoming YCIS Connected events in 2021!

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