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    We Chat with YCIS Shanghai's Class of 2020: Seonaid and Oi In

    School News

    24 Jul, 2020

    10 : 00

    • In this series of videos, we will introduce some of our students from YCIS Shanghai’s Class of 2020, who will discuss their different experiences at the school.

      This week, we will hear from Seonaid and Oi In. After successfully completing their YCIS journeys, they are now moving on to the next stages of their academic lives. Seonaid started at YCIS Shanghai, Puxi in Kindergarten 4 (K4) and, after moving abroad with her family for a few years, returned to the school where she has continued her studies in Upper Secondary. She is now moving back to her home country, Australia, where she will study Medicine in Melbourne. Oi In also joined YCIS in Kindergarten, and has been with the school for 14 years, up until her graduation this year. She is now going to continue her studies in the Faculty of Arts at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada.

      In the videos, the two students discuss being at YCIS, applying for university, and some highlights from their time at the school. Watch the videos below to hear more.

      We wish Seonaid and Oi In all the best for their next endeavours! Stay tuned for more stories from our YCIS Shanghai Class of 2020 graduates!

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