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    Former NASA Astronaut Talks Space with students at YCIS Puxi

    School News

    18 Oct, 2018

    10 : 00

    • YCIS Puxi Primary Years 3-6 students were treated to an ‘out of this world’ presentation on Thursday, September 20, by former NASA astronaut and educator Barbara Morgan, who was part of the mission STS-118 aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 2007 which helped to construct the International Space Station.

      With decades of NASA experience behind her, Ms Morgan wowed the children and their teachers with an incredible talk about her journey into space, which was accompanied by images and videos of her trip. Ms Mogan truly captured the thrill of both the journey and what it’s like to live and work in a zero-gravity environment.

      After her talk, Ms Morgan held a lively discussion with the students answering their many questions. With their hands high in the air, the children asked about why she became an astronaut, what the effects of zero-gravity were like, and even what the food tasted like up in space!

      Visits from special guests like Ms Morgan allow YCIS students to utilize concepts from their classroom learning in a new and fun way, and visitors often come to the school to share their inspiring stories.

      To learn more about the Primary Programme at YCIS Shanghai, please click here.

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