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    New Mural and Garden Add to the Colours of Regency Park Campus

    School News

    13 Jul, 2018

    10 : 00

    • YCIS Pudong’s Regency Park Campus is even more alive with colour with the latest addition of a beautiful wall mural and garden spearheaded by three teachers at the campus, Ms Nadine Fletcher, Ms Debbie Pedraza, and Ms Natasha O’Connor.

      The three teachers are part of the school’s Environmental Professional Learning Community, and one of their goals this year was to create an Early Childhood Education (ECE) mural that would not only help beautify the campus’ environment, but that would also promote projects for children to grow plants and vegetables. The group chose the wall that is closest to the ECE garden spaces for their mural, and the teachers and students immediately became engrossed in topics such as “What grows around, what grows up, and what grows down?”. The garden and mural instantly inspired others to become interested and get involved in gardening.

      According to Ms Fletcher, “Although Natasha, Maggie, and I drew the pictures on the wall, the entire ECE staff helped with the project. From a tiny little ant or ladybug pictured in the artwork to the corn and bell peppers, it was so much fun to create! We completed the wall mural in just two days, and it was a collaborative team effort in which everyone made their mark. With the warm weather, it was just such a happy environment!”

      The children loved watching their teachers paint and asked many excellent questions throughout the project, and are now able to both admire the beautiful mural and discover the joy of gardening with its hands-on learning, appreciation for nature, and promotion of healthy eating. We look forward to seeing this garden continue to grow in the next school year, providing a number of fantastic learning experiences for the ECE children!

      To learn more about the learning opportunities that the YCIS Early Childhood Education programme offers, please click here.

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