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    Students Showcase their Studies to Parents in Student Led Conferences

    School News

    07 Apr, 2016

    10 : 00

    • Recently, the classrooms at YCIS Shanghai’s Regency Park and Century Park campuses were abuzz with parents visiting to attend the Student Led Conferences. These special days were a celebration of the students’ achievements, and each child had the opportunity to share their learning from the beginning of the school year with their parents. Unlike parent-teacher meetings, during these conferences students lead the conversation with their parents and share with them about their work, explaining the process of how they had created each particular item and demonstrating the skills they had learned in multiple subjects.

      The students did an outstanding job of presenting their portfolios to their parents. For the younger Primary students at the Regency Park Campus, the children were excited and proud to show their parents the independent concepts that they had learned, such as how to tell time, count, and write. Students in Upper Primary year levels showed their parents the apps they were using in class and gave examples to highlight their learning, such as explaining how they would use technology to solve a particular problem in a subject like Mathematics. At the Century Park Campus, Upper Primary and Lower Secondary students presented their work in a digital format and showcased their blogs and digital portfolios to their parents, representing key learning concepts and projects.

      At YCIS, the Student Led Conferences highlight the holistic development of each individual child. To learn more about the unique development of international students at the school in Shanghai, please click here.