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    Students "Rock" at 2015 Battle of the Bands

    School News

    07 Dec, 2015

    10 : 00

    • At YCIS’s Gubei Campus, the Battle of the Bands is one of the highlights of the annual school calendar, showcasing students’ musical skills cultivated in class, as well as their passion for music. Last week, 12 Secondary student rock bands braved the stage and bright lights to perform fantastically for a large and enthusiastic audience of their classmates, faculty, and families at the 2015 Battle of the Bands.

      Throughout the evening, the students “rocked out” to a number of musical genres including pop, blues, classic rock, and indie rock, and several bands even showcased their own original compositions. The bands have been practising since early in the school year, and the students ranged from newcomers in Year 7 to veteran performers in Year 13. The energetic performances were supported by professional-style staging and lighting, managed by other Secondary students, providing an intimate and authentic rock concert experience for the audience.

      After 12 spirited performances, awards were given to several bands and performers to recognise their achievements and skills with particular instruments and vocals. Encouragement Awards were also given to promising novice players, and several Year 13 performers were also initiated into the coveted Battle of the Bands Hall of Fame, to remain remembered as YCIS rock legends for years to come. At the very end of the evening, the overall winning band was announced. This year, a band comprised of Year 9 students, Radiowave, surpassed several of their older competitors and took home the win. In all, the evening was a fun and exciting celebration of music and students’ talents for the YCIS community to enjoy.

      Music concerts and performances like the Battle of the Bands are a regular part of student life at YCIS and a vital component of the school’s strong music programme. To learn more about music at YCIS, click here.

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