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    YCIS Welcomes World-Class Storyteller on Campus

    School News

    03 Nov, 2015

    10 : 00

    • Last month, YCIS Shanghai hosted a well-known New Zealand storyteller and author, Mr Andy Wright, at the Hongqiao Campus to provide workshops for students, teachers, and parents. Mr Wright is an outstanding performer with more than 20 years of experience telling stories to audiences around the world. His visit to YCIS Shanghai was part of his first-ever tour of China.

      During his workshops with Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Primary students, Mr Wright told a collection of folk and fairy tales, some from New Zealand, but also from other parts of the world. His enthusiasm and mastery in storytelling captured the undivided attention of the YCIS students. The workshops for teachers included more educational content and centred on the possibilities for storytelling in the classroom, as well as how oral-literacy and written-literacy can be complimentary. During his workshops for parents, Mr Wright introduced the role of storytelling in families’ daily lives, and he also provided tips to help parents with their story-reading for their children, sharing some skills and techniques. The workshop also looked at the importance of family stories and how to keep the magic of family stories and traditions alive.

      Mr Wright is just one of the many specialised educational guests that YCIS Shanghai brings to the school’s community each year. To learn more about past and upcoming guests, view the news section of our website.