School News
School News
06 May, 2015
10 : 00
To the delight of the entire YCIS community, the Parent Organisation Puxi (POP) recently held their 7thannual International Family Food Fair (IFFF) at Hongqiao Campus. As always, the event was truly a celebration of community and multiculturalism, and it brought together around 2,500 attendees from more than 50 different countries.
To prepare for the event, parents from different countries and regions volunteer to lead the country teams and co-ordinate aspects ranging from arranging sponsors to the preparation of the international cuisine. On the day of the event, attendees were able to sample food from over 20 booths, including the 17 countries that were officially represented by the international families at YCIS. Besides making the delicious food that was available for purchase on the day, the parents also organised traditional costumes and clothing from their respective home countries to wear on the day, and to show off during the day’s opening parade.
In addition to the many cuisines available for sampling, guests were treated to a lively performance from a traditional Japanese drum group, as well as many fun games and activities at various booths located on the campus soccer pitch.
As a long-standing tradition, all proceeds from IFFF are used to support charities in need. This year, the event raised an incredible RMB 125,000 yuan for three local charities: the Will Foundation, Chrysalis, and Beacon of Love.
IFFF remains a highlight of the community and parent life at YCIS Shanghai. To learn more about other ways the parent community is actively involved at the school, click here.