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    Secondary Students "Rock Out" at Annual Battle of the Bands

    School News

    08 Dec, 2014

    10 : 00

    • There was electricity in the air at last week’s annual Gubei Campus Battle of the Bands, as students rocked out to guitar rifts and great music! The highly anticipated evening proved to be a huge success, as evidenced by the large crowd of attendees. The Battle featured performances from 14 student bands, including 74 total musicians, who displayed their musical skills with a mixture of instruments and across a variety of musical genres, and all bands were well received by the enthusiastic crowd, who supported the performers with well-deserved cheers and applause.

      The bands practised for months between classes, after school, and on the weekends to develop a selection of songs to perform. From classic rock hits to new pop beats, the audience was treated to a range of songs suited to nearly every musical taste. Amidst the tough competition, student band “The Fluffy Buffalos” was crowned the winner of this year’s show. The group is composed of several Year 11 musicians and veterans of past YCIS Battle of the Bands.

      Providing students with opportunities that enhance their musical talents, while also developing confidence and presentation skills, is just one way that YCIS Shanghai provides a well-rounded education. To learn more about music at YCIS, click here.