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    YCIS Students and Families Receive Warm Welcome at Annual New Families Barbecue Events

    School News

    19 Aug, 2014

    10 : 00

    • With classes officially starting on August 20, YCIS Shanghai welcomed all new students and their families on campus this week for the annual New Families Welcome Barbecue Events. At the Hongqiao Campus “BBQ”, YCIS administrators and faculty welcomed incoming families whose children will study at the Gubei and Hongqiao campuses. For the new students at the Regency Park and Century Park campuses, the welcoming event was held at the Century Park Campus.

      Both evenings included a wide range of fun games and activities for children, delicious food, and, of course, a warm welcome from the school’s enthusiastic staff. Through the event, new families had the opportunity to get to know one another, as well as the Co-Principals, teachers, and other YCIS staff.

      In addition to the annual Welcome BBQs, YCIS Shanghai has many other events to help parents settle in and become part of the greater school community. Some of these events include Parent Welcome Teas, orientation sessions, curriculum introduction evenings, and carnivals and bazaars. Many of these activities are planned by the Parent Organisations of Puxi and Pudong (POP), which provide a community and support network for all families at YCIS. To learn more about parental involvement on campus, click here.

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