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    Primary Violin Concert Hits a High Note

    School News

    07 Mar, 2013

    10 : 00

    • Although many people are familiar with Einstein’s affinity for music, they may not know the whole story. According to Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein, co-authors of Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World’s Most Creative People, “Einstein also melded a talent for music with his thinking…few people are aware that he attributed many of his greatest scientific insights to ‘musical thinking.’” The story goes that Einstein’s parents enrolled him to study the violin from the time he was six!

      The authors go on to note that “scientific discovery and innovation can depend on engaging more students in arts.” At YCIS Shanghai, students in Years 1 through 3 participate in the school’s compulsory Primary violin programme, which has a host of benefits. Mindy Willis, Primary Curriculum Co-ordinator, explains “We are proud of our violin programme not only because our children learn to play this wonderful instrument, but also because of the thinking skills the students develop as a result. The arts are such an important element of education because they help children learn essential skills including observation, visual thinking, manipulative ability, and recognising and forming patterns. These skills, while developed in the arts, are essential for mathematic and scientific thinking.”

      Of course, it’s always exciting for students (and parents) to see the results of their learning demonstrated! This past week, all Primary students from both Regency Park and Century Park Campuses were able to showcase their musical skills over the course of three violin concerts. Primary Co-Principal Mr Damien Hehir summarised the scale and success of the events, saying, “For the opening song and the finale at each performance, we had over 350 students performing together. The audience at each of the three performance evenings thoroughly enjoyed the excellent music!”

      The violin programme is just part of the comprehensive education at YCIS Shanghai, which aims to help every child develop into a well-rounded student, and prepares them to be a globally competitive citizen, ready to embrace the future.