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    One-on-one styling consultation and one exclusive tailor-made dress by La Mofiel

    Gala Day Auction

    07 Jun, 2023

    16 : 20

    • As the creative force behind the style of many well-known celebrities, renowned fashion designer Stephen Yuan founded the high-end fashion brand La Mofiel in Shanghai in 2013 and opened his first "brand house" flagship store at the Peninsula Hotel in Shanghai in 2018. In recent years, the brand’s influence has grown exponentially, attracting outstanding modern elites from various fields, as an epitome of contemporary wisdom, elegance, humility, taste, and global vision.


      Donor: La Mofiel​

      Market Value: (¥) 50,000

    • One-on-one styling consultation and one exclusive tailor-made dress by La Mofiel