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    Elite Youth Reading & Writing Enrichment Program 2 Sessions in Summer/Fall (Year 5 – 8)​

    Gala Day Auction

    08 Jun, 2023

    10 : 28

    • Elite Youth Reading and Writing Enrichment is a US core English program for students in Year 5-8, based on rigorous analysis, discussion, and reflection on non-fiction course material. It is one of the flagship program based on Socratic learning and teaching and Harkness classroom discussions. Most of the class time is devoted to working with the instructor on the first and second drafts. Reading materials are drawn from a variety of fields including politics, religion, business, and science.​

      Note:  4 successful bidders will receive a redemption voucher for two courses worth RMB 3,000. Courses need to be redeemed between 15 June and 30 September 2023. There will be a preliminary assessment prior to joining the class.


      Donor:  Elite ​

      Market Value: (¥) 3,000 per Student