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    Annual Comprehensive Health Checkup Plan

    Gala Day Auction

    08 Jun, 2023

    10 : 17

    • The annual comprehensive health checkup plan at Shanghai St. Reiss Andrew Medical Centre is designed for people aged 40 and above as well as those who are pillars of families. The plan focuses on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks that are highly prevalent at this age, as well as stomach health problems and thyroid function problems caused by stressful work life and irregular diet. Based on the standard physical examination, the ultramicro blood flow ultrasound examination of carotid artery and heart, and a full set of tumor marker test and gastric filling ultrasound examination are also included. Female will also benefit from cervical cancer risk detection, which is particularly relevant in this age group. 


      Donor: Shanghai St. Reiss Andrew Medical Center 

      Market Value: (¥) 6,980

    •  Annual Comprehensive Health Checkup Plan