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    How to Stay Organised for IGCSE


    2019 年 06 月 05 日

    10 : 00

    • To all the students who are transitioning to IGCSE soon, staying organised is essential, especially when you have to complete all of your learning, coursework, and exams in just two short years. As an IGCSE student almost heading to IB, here is my advice for staying organised in Years 10 and 11.

      First and foremost, setting reminders on upcoming deadlines and making a to-do list is an effective way of organising your school work. These will definitely help you to plan your homework time but don’t forget to leave some spare time to relax. I especially enjoy crossing things off my list or calendar; it never fails to give me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

      I believe there is one thing that prevents a student from being organised, and that is procrastination. Believe me; I’ve been there many times! To prevent yourself from procrastinating too much, spice up your homework process a little. Plan a time to do homework with your friends. Hopefully, some friendly competition might motivate you to complete your assignments. If your procrastination goes too far, think of the consequences – or in economic terms, opportunity cost – and perhaps you’ll find yourself feeling guilty enough to kickstart that homework process. Next thing you know, you will have completed everything on your to-do list!

      Another way to stay organised is by practising a healthier lifestyle. As an IGCSE student, there are some stressful days. However, IGCSE is not all about grades or coursework. To make the most of the course, enjoy learning by treating yourself, and don’t send yourself into overdrive. Being happy will benefit your health and, hopefully, keep your school life in line.

      You may think that the tips mentioned above are easier said than done, but believe me, staying organised goes a long way, so try them! What do you have to lose?

      By Hui Shing, Year 11, YCIS Pudong Secondary