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    Why I'm Excited About the New School Year


    2016 年 09 月 08 日

    10 : 00

    • Hannah, Year 11, Century Park Campus

      To me, a new school year always brings an air of excitement as we welcome new students, parents, and teachers to YCIS. We also welcome the Year 7s to the Secondary school, and they begin to adapt to life at Century Park Campus. This year, YCIS welcomed the new school year with a number of changes, including classes starting at 8:10 a.m. and assemblies being held in the new school theatre.

      As current students begin the new school year, they are presented with many opportunities to develop themselves further. After attending YCIS for the past six years, I try hard to begin each school year with the same kind of anticipation as a new student would. ECA (Extra-Curricular Activities) at YCIS give me the chance to try something new every year. I have found that participating in ECA activities adds variety to my days. Instead of routinely coming to school, going home, and sitting in my room for the rest of the night, I have something to look forward to after school. I believe that ECA’s are extremely important in keeping a balance between schoolwork and other activities.

      The ECA’s that I’m personally looking forward to the most are the Stage and Show Band, and the Yearbook Committee. In Stage and Show Band, I will be able to play jazz music, a genre of music that I have never had the chance to play before. I hope I will finish the year with improved skills and a newfound appreciation for jazz music. For the Yearbook Committee, I am sure that we will be able to produce a yearbook that all of the students, teachers, and parents will love and enjoy.

      I trust that everyone will have an amazing year to come at YCIS!

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