2016 年 10 月 13 日
10 : 00
Leo, Year 11, Century Park Campus
When I arrived at YCIS two years ago, I expected to have months of hard work ahead of me, learning the new school's system and making friends. To my surprise, I found the latter easy. My form class at the Century Park Campus was pretty small, as was the year level, making name memorizing that much easier. And, on top of that, I found the community welcoming and accepting. I found that not only did I know everyone in my year level, I also made friends with those in the years above and below me.
Century Park is a relatively small campus, and that comes with many advantages. The one that caught me by surprise was how the community felt. I, along with my classmates, have said that our year group feels like a family, all throughout secondary. For me, this was a contrast to my school in the United States, which had four classes per year level. There were people in my own year whom I didn't know by surname. So, YCIS was a welcome change. I also had never experienced such a close school community, and YCIS provides the perfect opportunity for that. I think it is good for both the students and the teachers. School becomes a second home, with a second family, and is a much nicer environment to be in for students than a school of massive proportions. Of course, it helps to have students and teachers as welcoming as those at YCIS. And that is why I love the YCIS community.