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    YCIS Teachers Inspired Me to Study Computer Science at University


    2016 年 08 月 03 日

    10 : 00

    • Brett, Class of 2016, Century Park Campus

      My name is Brett, I am from Korea and I studied at YCIS since I was in Year 6. After graduation I will study mechanical engineering and computer science in Hong Kong. YCIS has so many great teachers, but my computer science teacher was especially inspirational. He explained the subject matter extremely well and motivated me to work hard and encouraged me to continue on with my computer science in university.    

       I love that the Century Park Campus has a small community. Everyone knows everyone, from Year 7 through Year 13. It’s a friendly environment where everyone plays together, and there’s no such thing as bullying.

      I play a lot of sports; volleyball, softball, and I recently started football. Last semester we won 1st place at the ACAMIS volleyball tournament, and our basketball team won a Division 1 trophy at the basketball cup.

      What I have enjoyed most about high school is playing competitive sport. It motivates me to do better, and I get to make new friends. My best memory at YCIS was when I was selected in the starting 6 for the volleyball team. I got injured midway through the season but the team stepped up and we ended winning the cup at the end of the tournament.

      Small class sizes have meant that we get a lot of one-on-one time with teachers that you wouldn’t get at some of the bigger schools. I’m kind of an introverted guy, so the individual attention from teachers really helped me through the IB programme.

      Before I came to YCIS I didn’t speak English or Chinese. Now I speak both, as well as Korean, which will give me an advantage both in and after university. I also think that the IB programme at YCIS is kind of like a pre-university course, as it has prepared me for university and has given me an idea of what my future studies will be like.

      My one piece of advice for current and future students would be to keep asking questions and participate in as many extracurricular activities as you can – you’ll benefit by taking advantage of the opportunities at YCIS!

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