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    Model United Nations - An Enjoyable and Educational Experience


    2016 年 05 月 25 日

    10 : 00

    • Ivy, Year 10, Gubei Campus

      The advancement of technology has connected countless people across the globe, enhancing standards of living and relationships between communities; hence, we are no longer merely citizens of individual nations, rather, we are citizens of a united society. As global citizens, and particularly as part of the younger generation, I believe it is our obligation to make positive contributions to the world and to be cognizant of current affairs and the impact of politics on our society.

      I consider Model United Nations (MUN) to be the most engaging and informing means of understanding politics and current affairs for students today. Integrating diplomacy, communication, and critical thinking abilities, MUN is extensively recognised as a highly educational simulation for Secondary school and university students. Participants of MUN conferences, regarded as delegations, are placed in assigned committees to resolve current affairs in cooperation with other delegations. Such simulations allow participants to not only gain an understanding of the UN itself, but also to improve both their written and oral communication abilities.

      As a Secondary school student at YCIS Shanghai, I believe that my participation in Model United Nations has made a positive contribution to my academic performance, but more importantly, to my personal maturation. I have learned to view political affairs from a variety of perspectives, and have become more understanding of those with whom my opinions differ. Moreover, I have gained confidence and have become truly passionate about politics.

      I firmly believe that Model United Nations is an enjoyable and educational experience for all students, and that the skills that I have acquired through the process are indisputably unique and valuable.

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