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    Participating in our Student Run Magazine


    2016 年 05 月 16 日

    10 : 00

    • Iyeh, Year 11, Century Park Campus

      In an era when gossip reels masquerade as news networks, I find myself searching for stories that not only entertain me, but also captivate me on an intellectual level. This search led me to participate in The Wire. The Wire is YCIS's very own student run magazine at the Century Park Campus. The media team is responsible for the writing, editing, and formatting of articles that are published in the magazine.

      Whenever there's a school event or an exciting activity, our media journalists are never far behind. We strive to uncover riveting stories and deliver them to the school community as quickly as possible.

      The time I've spent as a member of the media team has exposed me to a plethora of exciting articles, written by my fellow journalists, as well as interesting ideas which have managed to get me intrigued about things I wouldn't ordinarily have thought of.

      The Wire is an avenue for the students to express themselves and voice their opinions. For a lot of the media team, myself included, The Wire is a way to discuss topics we are passionate about with people who may or may not share these interests, regardless of their age, class, or gender.

      Having said all these things, what exactly does The Wire mean to me? That's easy, The Wire is a platform I enjoy supporting because it give YCIS students the opportunity to speak their minds.