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    My Experiencing Participating in the School Performance of Tarzan


    2015 年 02 月 05 日

    10 : 00

    • Jing Yang, Year 8, Gubei Campus

      From the beginning of September all the way through January, 25 talented people joined together and prepared for the school production of Tarzan. It was an amazing experience.

      The crew consisted of both students and teachers, and they were incredible. The entire stage looked like the jungle, and the lighting and sound were perfect and the band was extraordinary. It really takes a team effort to put musicals together, especially a musical on such an epic scale, like Tarzan. The Performing Arts Department is really awesome considering how much time and effort they put into making the show a success. Also, Tarzan has helped many students become more confident. I remember when I first tried on the Tarzan wig (I played Young Tarzan) I was uncomfortable. But after a few weeks, I was pretty sure that I rocked that look!

      Tarzan really sends out a good message about how we are all connected together as one family (“Two Worlds, One Family”) and in fact, this relates to YCIS, because the show is the perfect example of the East meeting the West.

      When we started our first few rehearsals, it was hard work and we were not familiar with one another. But, a bunch of rehearsals and lessons later, we have all grown together and become friends. There were so many talented people working together, telling this amazing and wonderful story. All of us had such a good time together, singing the songs and attempting to actually do the “Tarzan yell.” The experience helped reinforce how great the student body is at YCIS, and it’s just the best feeling ever.