2015 年 01 月 29 日
10 : 00
Naomi, Year 13, Century Park Campus
YCIS, home to students and teachers of varying cultures and backgrounds with many different perspectives, has been my educational platform for nearly 13 years. Exposing to traditions and religions from all across the world from a very young age through close integration within the school community, I have been able to grow up with the mindset that I should accept others and their differences, that I should not fall for stereotypes of various cultures presented in the media, and that I should keep an open mind.
As our world becomes increasingly globalised, YCIS has taught me to think more critically and analytically, and has prepared me to better adapt to the “real world” after high school. By integrating technology into every subject, the school emphasises how importance it is in our world today, helping us learn the key skills needed in the future. In my opinion, just as globalisation is connecting all ends of the world together in unity, YCIS merges people from all corners of the world into one community through the power of education.
As I prepare for the next chapter in my life, university, I am confident that I will be able to adapt well. The fundamental skills and knowledge I have gained throughout my years at YCIS, as well as the international community in which I have grown up, has allowed me to better understand what university life will be like. As an aspiring journalist interested in and curious about the world around me, YCIS has helped me better understand and accept the societies of the world, and encouraged me to write about my experiences and opinions for the public.